

We're gonna start the beginning  ....And that goes all the way back to 2008 When my daughter was admitted into the hospital....  She was just barely 7 weeks old and I knew that something was wrong. So at my OBGYN appointment I said I'm fine will you please look at my baby.. The nurse was in such a panic when she finally did look at her the we ran across the parking lot to the hospital with the baby in my arms  She weighed 6 pounds 9 oz at birth she had dropped down to 5 something pounds. She was incredibly tiny in this nurse was is jabbing at her arm trying to put an IV in it and after the 4th time of watching or try and my daughter screaming ..this little bitty baby screaming.. I looked at that nurse and I told her to get the fuck away from my daughter that she was obviously under  qualified to touch her...  To call children's mercy and tell them to put their ambulance on the way to get us ...  because NOBODY else in this hospital was touching her.  W...

Not a #

#povertysNOTillegal NOT a # June 05, 2020 my son is turning 3 in october. He is chronically ill from an auto immune disease called lupus. Because he has ALSO the RH-negative blood factor...due to me being RH-negative.. His immune system is remarkable. .. But that isnt a good thing. See RH-negative blood is different because it lacks the RH+positive antigens that 85% of the world contains in their blood being RH+positive. That leaves an incredibly small amount being just 15% of the WORLD being this of RH-negative. Another fact that impacts the 15% is that we are NON- compatible with the 85% we differ from. Blood tranfusions would be fatal to us and pregnancy can be deadly to the fetus.    So if a positive bred with a negative and a baby survived the odds with or without the shot they can give a mother during pregnancy to "change her blood type to be compatible" .. .the baby could quite possibly and potentially be damaged in some way. Like with an auto immune disease called LUP...