We're gonna start the beginning  ....And that goes all the way back to 2008 When my daughter was admitted into the hospital....

 She was just barely 7 weeks old and I knew that something was wrong. So at my OBGYN appointment I said I'm fine will you please look at my baby.. The nurse was in such a panic when she finally did look at her the we ran across the parking lot to the hospital with the baby in my arms
 She weighed 6 pounds 9 oz at birth she had dropped down to 5 something pounds. She was incredibly tiny in this nurse was is jabbing at her arm trying to put an IV in it and after the 4th time of watching or try and my daughter screaming ..this little bitty baby screaming.. I looked at that nurse and I told her to get the fuck away from my daughter that she was obviously under  qualified to touch her...

 To call children's mercy and tell them to put their ambulance on the way to get us
 because NOBODY else in this hospital was touching her.
 When children's mercy's ambulance  Arrived
I let them take her alone.... I had my son who was 14 months old and he couldn't go in an ambulance
 I didn't even get in the ambulance with her. 

 But I didn't stop that dumb nurse from hotlining me saying I refused medical attention!
 no I didn't
I refused to stand here and let you hurt my child and told you you were incompetent at your job. 

if by chance that nurse ever reads this you're actions after I left were still those of someone incompetent  of comprehending what refusal means. 

 So by the time I got to the hospital they had already taken protective custody.

9 months later they figured out what was wrong with her
 "magnall infantile osteopetrosis"
 Knowing that I was only 18 had no idea how I was going to afford to take care of her I did what was best for  My daughter. I let a woman that could take care of or have her...
 Mainly though that decision was made because the hospital told me that she had to be in a completely sterile environment and I had to choose between my son and her..she couldn't be near any other kids
..... my son knew me How could I just disappear from him.
 It ended up that  She needed the bone marrow transplant.
 Just so happens her brother was a perfect match. Stipulations of the to procedure was that he couldn't get sick For 3 days prior to the transplant.
 So couple days before the transplant I'm at work a woman I'd known since 3rd grade  One my best friends  Had him babysitting him.
 she had 3 numbers to reach me 
.....and they had him life flighted from osceola  Missouri to Kansas City Missouri for a teething fever ..
I was less than 20 minutes behind the helicopter....
they took protective custody

 In the years I spent fighting for him back ..I had gotten pregnant ..
right before a court hearing they had found out I was pregnant and case worker  Denise Youngblood and juvenile officer Sharon Wright  Cornered me in miss Wrights office and the lower level of the courthouse in osceola Missouri
... and told me that if I didn't sign this paper that the judge is gonna take my rights when I got upstairs ..
and that I would never walk out the hospital with another baby ..
 especially the one I was carrying....
 Terrified Young and stupid I freaked out and signed it...

I then had my daughter and then another daughter and then another son no issues..

About 2 weeks after my great grandfather passed away..

 This really scary man that was known by many many many many people ....
mainly people who rode motorcycles ...
who once had the chief deputy of Hickory County Missouri pull me out of the drunk tank on my birthday and give me a chocolate cake.

The same county revoked my probation. Probation I was on for stealing food. Sending me  To prison and the state got to kidnap 3 more children....

When I got out of prisonThey had 2 of my kids all the way on the other side a Springfield misery I had no choice but to curl out to Kansas City Missouri with no transportation and no way to accomplish anything I could not see them they had One of my daughters In Clinton Missouri I thought for 2 and a 1/2 years to get her back head around and trial home visit 6 days before the judge was supposed to sign off ....
and she was mine for good 
..  there was an incident that was happening in front of us
.. I wholeheartedly was trying to leave with my children and accomplished that ..
but not before my daughter could  Witness a man running another man over twice ..
..the 2nd time driving circles around him taunting him ...
 ....I was unaware that she had seen it  As I was driving away from the situation I never would have ever intended for her to.....
 But because of the actions of those men ..they came and took her 

but didn't take my son....

It was Almost 2 years later standing at a park waiting for a ride playing with my son ...
they came with lies...
 and a video illegally obtained ...
from some kids out mudding on military land..


 .... So was the cop that was falling down running because he thought me and my son were dead
 That in turn out of his anger  For the lies he had been told because it was obvious the truth ..
ended up helping me escape from the cops behind him...


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