Not a #

NOT a #
June 05, 2020

my son is turning 3 in october. He is chronically ill from an auto immune disease called lupus. Because he has ALSO the RH-negative blood factor...due to me being RH-negative.. His immune system is remarkable. .. But that isnt a good thing. See RH-negative blood is different because it lacks the RH+positive antigens that 85% of the world contains in their blood being RH+positive. That leaves an incredibly small amount being just 15% of the WORLD being this of RH-negative. Another fact that impacts the 15% is that we are NON- compatible with the 85% we differ from. Blood tranfusions would be fatal to us and pregnancy can be deadly to the fetus.
   So if a positive bred with a negative and a baby survived the odds with or without the shot they can give a mother during pregnancy to "change her blood type to be compatible" .. .the baby could quite possibly and potentially be damaged in some way.
Like with an auto immune disease called


My body lacks a protein an antigen that his has too much of... Because he he has RH-negative antibodies his immune system is supercharged at killing him.. As it destroys the cells he needs because they read foreign like VIRUS

The hospital has him on immune suppressants and regulators. Making him more susceptible to illness from harmful bacteria and virus. ..

Think about it on this level ... Even if we were in the woods... His mommy grew up in the woods .. .she would probably know how to survive ..maybe he had a tree house up the side of a cabin that was near a nice camper ran off a generator.. Maybe he even helped build the walter filtration system in the creek to do laundry.. Man he was so mad he threw his shoe and mommy wouldnt float downstream to get it ..


.. Maybe he was doing amazing with no harmful bacteria or virus and became healthy 

i brought him from nephrotic syndrome to the healthy-ish little boy you see today.. In less than 6 months.

I have over came an incredible amount of progress in bettering my life since his kidnapping. The only thing i lack is a home with a lease in my name. I have several options i could take in living with friend/family but am continuously told it isnt adequate for some bogus reason .. Like rolla, mo could have progressed quickly . .was told distance was impossible.

In some way i am always told by someone on my cps "TEAM" that it wont work.. Including every facility option ive resourced... 

I end.. Decided i was going to do it on my own from the street with all the REAL TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE are

People i aint ever gotta question where their loyalty is because they got me like i do them...

On 04/23/20 i started my own company

©mE-CO and am in the process of obtaining funding for a start up grant for women to find office space .. Due to my job discription i can have my office in home without issue.. .see my plan?

Theres are many reasons for the name as well as many things i will be doing.

1. I have a science research project i want to attempt that is ECO friendly

2. I currently run a commercial maid service

3. I have some work in need of a copyright for publishing

4. I have my own trademark and my company is registered as a tradename.... I am creating my own brand

5. Ive decided a company sounds nice but i want my own empire

I have also found out recently that i am native american.. IS IT BECAUSE IM BROWN-ISH?? ... Why does ICWA not have control?. I am currently in the process of tribal registry... They said they would contact ICWA after all the lies ive heard i CONTACTED ICWA.

My last statement here to assist your mind im questioning its decision of helping me is this ... They have stolen 6 children from me 1×1 .. .if i had harmed a child why were these children. Allowed to come home and not taken from a hospital at birth?... How did they take him for being homeless when thats NOT JUSTIFYING EVIDENCE TO REMOVE A CHILD?! Why did they have to call in 6 officers until they found one with credentials for signing the form to take my son?.... Why did the army reserve (knowingly) allow me to be on that property if i was doing something wrong ?... Why did that officer help me escape when he realized those teenagers had called in a lie?.. Why am i not receiving help from the so called "my government" or my "PEOPLE"?.. What makes my son so special. ..or is it me?..where does RH-negative blood factor come from and why is it different?.. Is it native? If not why is it. NON-compatable with 85% of the WORLD 

how many paychecks prosper of of one child in state care?

The riots you see on TV ...why is everyone so angry and standing against the government in reality 
..i need help getting tribal registry done faster as well  as help with housing. They say if I have a lease in my name I can have him. 

 I dont care where i go as long as i can be with my son. Id sell my life, my loyalty, and my freedom ...if i could spend it with him ... With all of them.

 ITS WHAT I ASKED FOR WHILE THEY WERE STEALING HIM. i dont really understand why they have attacked me personally this way. Even though

" I broke into a empty house and ate some old food because i was starving ..and went to prison for it ..and they lied to my family and me and stole my children."

 We are ALL human... To error is human. 
Its what YOU do to recover that counts.



Childrens Advocate Constitutional rights cps fraud Government Justice News Parental alienation


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  1. Replies
    1. That's just a tiny portion of the things I've been through. If I kept going it would be a thick novel and change the world!


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